Investing in the future means acting every day to leave a sustainable legacy to the next generation. Therefore, we have developed policies and protocols in the environmental, social and governance areas to integrate stakeholders, employees, suppliers, shareholders and our local community to create a positive impact in the environment and society.
Guided by universal principles in the areas of labor, human rights, environment, governance and transparency, the group is an UN Global Compact signatory committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
We believe actions speak louder than words. That’s why we invest in real and transparent actions to protect the environment and to maintain an honest relationship with employees, clients, suppliers and the whole society.
The second Sustainability Report of the Urca Energia Group was prepared in compliance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines, ensuring full transparency in presenting the results achieved, policies implemented, and challenges faced throughout 2023. Our commitment to sustainability goes beyond a guideline; it is an intrinsic value of our corporate culture, guiding all our decisions and actions. In 2023, we worked to balance business growth with environmental preservation and social responsibility, always aiming to generate positive and lasting impacts for future generations.
As signatories of the UN Global Compact, we remain aligned with the principles of sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), collaborating with our stakeholders — such as employees, customers, suppliers, and communities — to strengthen our performance. We are committed to continuously innovating and addressing global challenges with responsible solutions, maintaining transparency and commitment to a more sustainable and prosperous future for all. For more information about our journey in 2023, we invite you to access the full Sustainability Report through the links below.
Equivalent to more than 1,430,673 trees planted.
Increase of 795% compared to 2022.
Equivalent to 2,139 trips around the Earth.
Increase of 7% compared to 2022.
Equivalent to the energy consumption of 157,500 family homes.
Increase of 231% compared to 2022.
Equivalent to the energy consumption of more than 1 million family homes.
Increase of 32.5% compared to 2022.
Formed by a multidisciplinary team, with professionals from HR, governance, commercial, operations, financial, engineering, shared services and independent consultants, the ESG Committee is responsible for establishing, implementing and keeping the goals and challenges contained in Urca Energy Group’s conduct policies and for measuring the impact in the environmental, social and governance areas.
Also, every policy follows an implementation plan, according to the Integrity and Compliance Program, so we can involve and train the whole staff members.
Besides governance, other initiatives are under development:
Partnering with NINT, Latin America’s biggest ESG consulting and evaluation company, we’re implementing our materiality matrix in 2022 for Gás Verde and later for the other companies.
The Urca Energia Group has been publishing its companies’ emissions inventories for three years, in accordance with the guidelines of the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program, conducted in partnership with FGV. The latest inventories for the Urca Energia Group and Gás Verde, launched in August 2024, are available for consultation at https://registropublicodeemissoes.fgv.br/
The plan will offer opportunities for social investments and incentive laws for Urca Energia Group. Therefore, we’re partners with Instituto da Criança, an organization specialized in managing, implementing and supporting social projects.
By correctly managing the urban and agribusiness residue, we prevent GHG emissions in the atmosphere and also create products according to the circular economy. These renewable solutions, such as biofuel and clean electric energy, are the sustainable and economic replacements for fossil fuels and are paving the way to the energetic transition of several companies in Brazil.